Enhancing students’ physical fitness and promoting their health development have always been the common goals of the government and the society. To improve physical fitness of students, the Macao Sport Development Board consistently seeks to collaborate more closely with the Education and Youth Affairs Bureau in encouraging students to engage in sports activities. To continue with the good work of the jointly organized “Physical Fitness Monitoring Indices Briefing for Physical Education Staff” in October 2013, the two bureaus hosted another Seminar on “Physical Education Method and Strategy to Improve Students’ Physical Fitness” together on March 18 and 21, 2014 respectively. Dr. Shi Qingde of the School of Physical Education and Sports of the Macao Polytechnic Institute was invited as the keynote speaker.
During the seminar, Dr. Shi Qingde introduced many physical education methods and strategies to improve cardiopulmonary function, muscle strength, muscle endurance, body flexibility and body composition of students of all ages. These methods and strategies included teaching guidelines to improve physical fitness, training principles, examples of teaching methods and safety guidelines. Moreover, he shared many empirical cases of physical education activities to enhance students’ physical fitness level.
As Dr. Shi Qingde’s speech was very attractive and informative that evokes resonance among the participated physical education staff. They interacted, exchanged experiences and discussed on related issues with the speaker actively.